Erik Mineo: My Demons Are My Friends

Eric Mineo is a New York native, born and raised in Long Island, New York. Eric attended West Point Military Academy and later enlisted in the army, joining the 82nd Airborne for deployment and, later, the 75th Ranger Regiment. He served in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Afterward, he did a stint at John Hopkins University’s ROTC department, recruiting and training cadets. He later joined a financial service firm serving the army, but he ended up resigning shortly – his emotional demons had begun to catch up with them, and he had to deal with them.  

Here is the full episode on YouTube.

Dealing with Trauma and Grief

A break from the army made Eric realize the weight and gravity of all the intense years on the battlefield. This allowed him to focus more on his family and health. He worked for some time at John Hopkins University and later as a financial advisor in a firm as a way to give back to the military. 

Proximity to trauma definitely changes a person’s life. Guys who transition out into civilian lifestyle put their heart into whatever they choose to do. However, if it doesn’t meet their expectations, they don’t hesitate to throw in the towel. These seek to fulfill a purpose without breaching their moral code.

Parents and Trauma

Experience in the military gave Eric lessons to handle trauma. Situations like punishment hours and seeing traumatic things  allowed him to learn with exceptional precision. He learned how to shut off emotion, compartmentalize feelings, and to learn how to behave according to a given situation. Not in an automated fashion. 

This way, trauma becomes something you get intimate with. No wonder some of the most horrific experiences actually turn out to be the best days. You have to see an experience and view it from both angles to give it due respect. 

Lessons about Dealing with Trauma and Grief

Trauma is part of life, and it’s bound to come in various forms. COVID-19, as a current example, has changed our ways of communicating and introduced deviation from the norm, leading to anxiety and angst for many.

Besides, awareness is essential to curbing trauma, as is open communication with your support system. This makes you prepared for whatever may happen without putting too much pressure on yourself. Identifying stimuli for trauma and grief also allows finding appropriate solutions. With all of this in mind, you can start working toward a better life. 

Getting Back to Normal Life

Make an effort to beat trauma and grief. You can overcome your shame, guilt, and fear. You can put an end to the nightmares. Although the process can be difficult, the emotional growth you can achieve is always worth it. 

Acknowledging that you’ve been through trauma and desire is the first victory. Awareness allows you to begin overcoming your emotions and dealing with your trauma. 

Looking for ways to overcome trauma or grief? Our culturally-sensitive coaches and counselors are available to recommend effective solutions tailored to your specific needs!